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  • Sun 2019.01.20

    Hello @user97113

    @allObjects was inquiring as to whether a re-flash to a more recent version of Espruino had been performed, and what is that version.

    Would you please post the results of entering in the IDE:


    Knowing that tidbit may garner some insight into the serial setup issue.

    How are you powering these two boards? Do you have a way to measure the voltage at Vcc?

    'I connected VCC to BAT, tx to C10, rx to C11, and GND to GND'

    Please check your Tx Rx connections. Compared with the table on the GPS doc page, they seem opposite.

  • Would you please post the results of entering in the IDE: process.env

    Here are the results:

    "VERSION": "1v80",
    "BUILD_DATE": "Aug 7 2015",
    "BUILD_TIME": "11:30:04",
    "GIT_COMMIT": "44f2fc15e94e3eac6cb0cbd908b66ec8886e9d8­8",
    "CHIP": "STM32F103RCT6",
    "CHIP_FAMILY": "STM32F1",
    "FLASH": 262144, "RAM": 49152,
    "SERIAL": "39ffe105-47483537-09671543",
    "CONSOLE": "USB",
    "EXPORTS": { "jsvLock": 95777, "jsvLockAgainSafe": 95763, "jsvUnLock": 95739, "jsvSkipName": 48017,

    "jsvMathsOp": 83813, "jsvMathsOpSkipNames": 103165, "jsvNewFromFloat": 43857, "jsvNewFromInteger": 43899, "jsvNewFromString": 193573,
    "jsvNewFromBool": 43877, "jsvGetFloat": 70037, "jsvGetInteger": 192485, "jsvGetBool": 83453, "jspeiFindInScopes": 63905,
    "jspReplaceWith": 127945, "jspeFunctionCall": 53589, "jspGetNamedVariable": 112893, "jspGetNamedField": 112749, "jspGetVarNamedField": 112349,
    "jsvNewWithFlags": 193369 }

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