• https://www.espruino.com/GPS

    Hi! I recently purchased an Ublox NEO6MV2, an Original Espruino Board, and an Espruino Pico after reading the webpage linked above. I connected the Original Espruino Board to the Ublox GPS Module. I connected VCC to BAT, tx to C10, rx to C11, and GND to GND. The red light on the Ublox GPS module blinks every second or so; however, I entered the code shown below, and this error message pops up: "Uncaught InternalError: setDeviceClockCmd: Unknown Device 816 at line 1 col 35 Serial4.setup(9600,{tx:C10,rx:C11})." After trying it again a few other times, a different error message that simply reads "undefined" shows up.

    This is the code I entered:

    var gps = require("GPS").connect(Serial4, function(data) {

    I have also tried Serial3, Serial 2, B10/B11, and A2/A3, but they all don't work as well. I'm also doing this near a window. What am I doing wrong? Is there something wrong with the code I'm entering in? Can someone please help me? Thanks!


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