• See no issue with the module: in both - http://www.espruino.com/modules/BME680.j­s and http://www.espruino.com/modules/BME680.m­in.js - module files, I see the functions as part of the exported and by require retuned object exports... ...weird.

    I assume you got all the details right, down to possible typos and internet connected...

    The modules is kind of a kitchen sink... it provides access to the connectXYZ functions as well as to the class - speaking in oo terms - or in js: constructor function.

    Just upload from the IDE on the right side / from the edit pane this code:

    var bmeMod = require("BME680");

    In console - on the left side you can then play around line by line with:

    var BME680 = bmeMod.BME680;
    var bme1 = bmeMod.connectI2C(...);
    var bme2 = new (bmeMod.BME680)(...);
    var bme3 = new BME680(...);

    I hope this will help debug the issue...


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