• Sat 2018.11.10

    Two pots of coffee and the music helped!!

    From #9

    'delete the fork . . . . but only when nothing else is pending in repo'


    'You cannot delete branches that are associated with open pull requests.'

    Although it would have been nice to test if GitHub would stop/block the repo deletion as there was an in process branch PR, we'll have to take their docs at face value. As I couldn't close (the buttons were not illuminated) maybe I could have (then), deleted the branch perhaps, then deleted the repo?

    Interesting note. I first renamed (as I didn't want to have to re-upload other project test files) the suspect corrupt fork. I then attempted to create a new fork. GitHub just made a fork copy over the renamed one and not a unique new instance. I'm forced to delete the renamed one first.

    from #13 'Can we stick with one kind of numbering of the steps?'

    Yes. @allObjects use your numbering for a local install of a GitHub repository. The following with annotations may be used to create documentation for those that wish to use a public online fork. Both advantages and dis-advantages. I left off numbering so as not to conflict with a chosen system.

    Note: Formatting this was a pain - indenting not recognized in list - it is what it is . . . .

    Using a public online fork - uses button clicks as opposed to manually entering git commands

    • Create fork


    In upper right hand corner click on 'fork'

    Click on 'Branch Master' to enter a unique new branch
    Click the 'Current Branch' icon to view existing branches

    • Add Files
      Navigate to 'modules' folder (or 'devices')


    Within the branch just created, select 'Code' tab and upload files by clicking 'Upload Files' button located in block of four buttons close to page top in upper right just below 'contributors' tab

    Enter simple description

    Click 'Commit' button

    • PR - Pull Request

    Create the pull request to merge branch into personal fork master copy
    Click 'New Pull Request' on left hand side just below 'Branches' tab

    Select correct fork in button compare section near page top

    https://github.com/ your name /EspruinoDocs/pull/

    Click green 'Merge Pull Request'
    Click green 'Confirm'

    end PR

    • Verify - Navigate to 'modules' folder to see files were in fact merged there

    • As fork compare only allows from parent, navigate to: to merge those branches into that repo


    • Start PR (above) from parent and select desired user fork in button(s) compare
      Continue with PR steps to pull fork update into espruino/EspruinoDocs master

    • Verify - Navigate to app base and select 'Pull Requests' tab


    Thank you @Gordon, @allObjects and @MaBe for your input.


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