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  • So you have this module?­66-wifi-5v-1-channel-relay-delay-module-­iot-smart-home-e8a437

    Are you running Espruino on the module itself, or do you have Espruino running elsewhere and you're trying to send data to it?

    If you've flashed Espruino onto the module itself then yeah, what you're doing sounds ok - you could try sending just the String "A00101A2" just in case that was it?

    However, the problem is that when the ESP8266 module is working as it does normally as seems to be described in that link above, it won't just output that hex code - there's some other stuff too. Something along the lines of +IPD0,4:\xA0\x01\x01\xA2

    To be sure, you'd probably have to flash the normal AT command firmware, get it working, then connect your PC and figure out exactly what got sent.


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