• So you're using standard Bluetooth Advertising pretty much like is done here? http://www.espruino.com/Puck.js+Node-RED­

    You could try adding a debug node in NodeRed to see when the various events are getting fired and so where the delay is?

    The actual Bluetooth advertisement part should get sent out in around 300ms after the button press, so I'd be surprised if that was the slow part.

    The only other thing I could think is that the signal strength from the Puck was so low only a few of the advertising packets were getting through?

    To work around that you could:

    • Try and get the distance between the Puck and EspruinoHub down
    • Use NRF.setTxPower(4) to use the most powerful transmit power
    • Transmit more often (specify an interval in NRF.setAdvertising) so even if less are getting through, you hopefully stand a better chance of getting one.

    Hope that helps! 8 secs sure seems like a lot though? It may be on the Hue side of things


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