• i answer myself

    if i don't use my string.replace it look good (with accents)
    it seems it's a pb with module.
    currently i work with TM1640 Module
    last week i was working with Max7219
    with the max's Module i use an arrayBuffer

    SPI2.setup({mosi:B15, sck:B13});
    var disp = require("MAX7219").connect(SPI2, B14);
    var g = Graphics.createArrayBuffer(8,8,1); // Create graphics
    g.flip = function() { disp.raw(g.buffer); }; // To send to the display
    g.flip(); // update what's on the display

    with the arrayBuffer, accents must be encoded.

    But with the TM1640 Module, we drawString directly in the display

    var g = require("TM1640").connect({din: NodeMCU.D7, clk: NodeMCU.D5}, function() {
      g.setContrast(2); // a value between `0` lowest and `7` highest intensity.

    is it the cause of the encoding pb?



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