• Ok, just tried this, with the console.log on Serial... If you try:

        kb.tap(..., function() {
          console.log("[tap done]");

    both places you call tap then you can see that you can definitely get it into a position where you're calling .tap before the last one has finished, which will cause an error:

    [tap done]
    Starting kbTimer
    Clearing kbTimer until finished typing
    e.state: true
    e.time: 1538038837.98822593688
    e.lastTime: 1538038837.25543785095
    duration: 0.73278808593
    [tap done]
    Starting kbTimer
    Clearing kbTimer until finished typing
    e.state: false
    e.time: 1538038838.10324668884
    e.lastTime: 1538038837.98822593688
    duration: 0.11502075195
    [Short press]
    Uncaught Error: BLE HID already sending
     at line 1 col 55
    in function called from system
    [tap done]

    However, no BLE error code 12292.

    What I'm pretty sure is happening is a few things are all conspiring against you:

    • After some inactivity, Espruino will now enter a low-bandwidth, low-power mode. (can be fixed with NRF.setConnectionInterval as that post you linked shows
    • First thing you do after a button press is print a load of stuff over Bluetooth. This uses up most of the available TX slots (apart from one for HID)
    • The HID report is sent - all TX slots are used up, but that's fine
    • Not all of the TX packets get sent the next time (possibly because of negotiation to exit the low power mode)
    • Espruino gets notified that TX packets were sent - it has no way of knowing which ones, so it assumes HID has been sent and tells your code.
    • Your code sends another HID packet, but it fails this time because there are no free TX slots

    Basically there's not much I can do about it apart from to only send one TX packet at a time instead of 5, reducing Espruino's TX speed by a factor of 5 - so that is what I've done. Hopefully if you try a cutting edge build now it'll be fixed.

    I don't think on the whole people will notice too much as it's really the RX speed that's the killer.


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