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  • Ok, if you put a cutting edge firmware on there, you can now do:

    NRF.requestDevice({filters:[{id:"xx:xx:x­x:xx:xx:xx random"}]}).then(function(dev) {
      if (dev.manufacturerData)
        print("State is "+dev.manufacturerData[0]);


    NRF.requestDevice({filters:[{manufacture­rData:{0x0590:{}}}]}).then(function(dev)­ {
        print("State is "+dev.manufacturerData[0]);

    or even the following, which will use setScan, but with filters to quickly filter out anything you're not interested in:

    NRF.setScan(function(dev) {
        print("State is "+dev.manufacturerData[0]);
    }, {filters:[{manufacturerData:{0x0590:{}}}­]});

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