• Sat 2018.08.11

    Hello @PapaTech and appreciate the 'New guy alert...' ;-)

    re: 'but when I try to connect to the Puck I get 'No ports found''

    Although I'm not able to provide insight using the Pi or non-Win10, were you able to resolve accessing the Puck via the IDE?

    BTW, the link in #1 above https://www.espruino.com/ide/, returns 404

    Are you using a Bluetooth BLE dongle?
    Are you using the Native App on Win10 by chance?
    What PC O/S is the IDE running on?


    "Neither the Online IDE espruino.com/ide nor the Chrome Web App will work to access Bluetooth Low Energy devices on Windows unless
    you install the polyfill above. Please try the Native IDE first - this is by far the easiest option."

  • Robin,
    First, thank you for your reply and wink in acknowledging my 'newbie' status.

    Perhaps I am misunderstanding how this all works. I installed Espruino Hub with the IDE and Node-RED on the Raspberry Pi and can access both through the web interface of the raspberry pi. The Bluetooth, I thought is running on the Pi since I am basically remotely running the IDE from there. Maybe I am mistaken and need to install more onto my Windows 10 PC to make this work.

    Are you suggesting that I need to install more onto the Windows PC since that is not in the instructions that I read.

    Thanks again.

  • re: 'Are you suggesting that I need to install more onto the Windows
    PC since that is not in the instructions that I read.'

    Not necessarily. Just had a thought that as you were able to re-flash firmware, that communication to the Puck via Bluetooth BLE
    could be verified using the Native IDE app <-> Puck

    In that way, one could confirm that communication/connecting with the Puck was occurring, remove that wonderment from the equation,
    then efforts could be focused on just the Pi.

    ref from #1: 'Web Bluetooth not enabled'

    So, to clarify, the Bluetooth issues were on the Pi only?

    Would you be so kind as to provide the link for the 'Espruino Hub' documentation as search didn't provide that detail for me to follow along.

    re: 'Perhaps I am misunderstanding how this all works'

    Probably not. Gordon does an excellent job in documenting his tutorials, and I'm going to guess they have been tested a bazillion times,
    okay maybe a gazillion?

    His availability is sometimes limited on weekends, so thought that providing some pre-power-debug detail would help speed things up, rather than have to re-visit the same questions, once he and others are able to assist early next week.

    re: 'but when I try to connect to the Puck I get 'No ports found''

    This is a common error that is seen when attempting to access via Bluetooth BLE and using the wrong IDE. Just wanted to make sure
    that the native app flavor was being used, . . . if that were the case.


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