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  • Hi,
    I've recently purchased some Puck.js units to experiment with.
    I'm using them from a Raspberry PI 3, C++ with wiringPI, bluez + the Intel tinyB library for BLE.

    TinyD always seems to return UUIDs as the full 128bit string representation, what is odd is if I declare a UUID on the Puck js code using a short, the 128bit UUID that is returned has garbage in it.. for example
    UUID = 'BCDE' on the Puck, then from tinyD it reads back

    0000bcde-0000-0000-0100-0008000000fe .. If I declare the full 128bit string in the JS then it comes back as expected. I'm just curious if it is safe to convert the string back to an array (I'm assuming the BCDE portion is in the correct lower 2 bytes due to endianess) and use the short as is or if there is an issue on the Puck side that the rest of the UUID data is perhaps corrupted?


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