• I've just added the following to cutting-edge Espruino builds. These will be shipped in Espruino releases 1v100 and later (1v99 doesn't have them):

    for (..of..)

    This is a nice way of iterating over array/object properties, and will support iterators in the future. It's a more sane version of for (..in..) that returns values not keys, and that doesn't iterate over inherited properties.

    >var arr = ["One", "Two", "Three"];
    >for (var i of arr) console.log(i)

    Getters and setters

    You can now call a function when a value is read or written in an object. These work in normal object definitions:

    >var foo = {
    :  set contents(x) { this._contents = x; },
    :  get sum() { 
    :    var s=0;
    :    for (var i of this._contents) s+=i;
    :    return s;
    :  }
    ={  }
    >foo.contents = [1,2,3,4];

    Using the old defineProperty way:

    >var o = {a: 41};
    ={ "a": 41 }
    >Object.defineProperty(o, 'b', { get: function() { return this.a + 1; } });
    ={ "a": 41 }

    Or even inside the new classes:

    >class Example {
    :  get hello() {
    :    return 'world';
    :  }
    =function () {}
    >const obj = new Example();
    =Example: {  }

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