• Thanks
    i try to flash board with Yours coomand, but as result i have:

                               <address> <filename> [<address> <filename> ...]
    esptool write_flash: error: argument --flash_size/-fs: invalid choice: '4mb-c1' (choose from '4m', '2m', '8m', '16m', '32m', '16m-c1', '32m-c1', '32m-c2')

    after change 4MB-c1 to 4m
    all flashed succses, but IDE don't recognize board

  • @Joshua_Sturmvogel If you flash only with 4m, the flash map will be set to 512/512, and the firmware will be too big to fit on the ESP memory, which will make it crash and printout a lot of errors. Try what Willberforce suggested, or updating your esptool.py to a more recent one. Just don't flash with the single 4m for it will not work.


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