• Hi
    First of all - sorry for bad English

    I try to connect SDCard to NodeMCU with Espruino 1.96 firmware with this manual

    function onInit() {
      // initialise SPI1 for SDCard module
      SPI1.setup({mosi:NodeMCU.D6, miso:NodeMCU.D7, sck:NodeMCU.D5});
      E.connectSDCard(SPI1, NodeMCU.D0 /*CS*/);
      // ...

    bu as result - i see this in console:

    Uncaught Error: Function "connectSDCard" not found!
    at line 2 col 5
      E.connectSDCard(SPI1, NodeMCU.D0 /*CS*/);
    in function called from system

    what i do wrong?
