• I successfully drove NeoPixel matrices using MOSI pin (D13) on my dev board from: https://www.ezsbc.com/index.php/featured­-products-list-home-page/wifi01-32.html#­.Wo4QjxPwZTY

    I'm making a clock with 4 buttons as input. Later I discovered that setWatch currently only works for D12 - D15 (using 1.95). Some pin throw error when I set setWatch (unable to setWatch) and some can be set but once button is pressed I got either crashes or turning on board LED . As I think I'll need D13 for one of the button, I'll need some alternative pin to drive the matrix.

    Anybody knows if I can use other pin(s) to drive the matrix? I thought about software SPI but the code I use to write accept direct pin:

    neopixel.write(D13, ledbuffer);



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