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  • I've got two of the W5100 Arduino Ethernet Shield 05 (at least according to this page) so I plan on testing those as I get to it.

    However for now there seems to be something wrong on my side. Perhaps the PR reported .bin size issues are not valid as I found that my vagrant created VM is not delivering a working .bin. I also tried to compile master even w/o wiznet myself and tried flashing it through the 'Advanced Flashing' in the EspruinoIDE and it failed the same way (EspruinoBoard v1.3). It doesn't come up after RST, after a seemingly successful flash procedure. It is not present in the connectable USB devices after that. The official travis-built master from­master/­n works fine though.

    Here are the steps I do this to build the firmware .bin

    vagrant up
    vagrant ssh
    cd /vagrant
    source scripts/ ESPRUINOBOARD

    Any idea why this could be broken?


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