• @allObjects the spike reduction change won't be an issue here.

    I've made some changes now for ESP8266 and software I2C that may fix this - but I'm working blind as I don't have an EEPROM on me to test with.

  • I've made some changes now for ESP8266 and software I2C that may fix this - but I'm working blind as I don't have an EEPROM on me to test with.
    With this FW image:

    the waveforms look better on the scope - but I still can't get it to work correctly, and now I don't really understand why. Same symptoms though. I can't figure out why it's not working - especially because, as I mentioned, it doesn't fail with the scope connected.

    I'm not sure what's going on with the Software I2C. When using I2Ctouse=new I2C({scl:5,sda:4,bitrate:100000}); my scope refuses to trigger at all off of any I2C conditions. With the I2C triggering off, I don't see any signal going by at all when using software I2C...


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