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  • First day with the Esrpuino Wifi. I'm not sure what to expect, and I realize that it's an embedded platform. I have a lot of experience with Arduinos, the Esquilo, etc.

    The following code will load and run if I comment out either the "startServer" or the "startLogging" functions. But if I try to run the whole program it fails with the following:

    >  1v95 Copyright 2017 G.Williams
    > >
    > =undefined Erasing Flash... Writing....................... Compressed 114368 bytes to 21007 Checking... Done! Running onInit()...
    > >ERROR: Prompt not detected - upload failed. Trying to recover... ERROR: Error processing Serial data handler - removing it. Execution
    > Interrupted during event processing. New interpreter error: CALLBACK
    > New interpreter error: BUFFER_FULL
    > >echo(1)
    > =undefined
    var WIFI_NAME = "oddballpeak";
    var WIFI_OPTIONS = { password : "mule$bacon44" };
    var wifi;
    var now = null;
    var sample_array = [];
    var arr_ptr = 0;
    var tempF = 32;
    var sampleCnt = 0;
    var date = new Date();
    var maxSamples = 672;
    var ow = new OneWire(B0);
    var sampleSec = 900;
    var http = require("http");
    function onInit() {
      wifi = require("EspruinoWiFi");
      wifi.connect(WIFI_NAME, WIFI_OPTIONS, function(err) {
        if (err) {
          console.log("Connection error: "+err);
    function initProcess() {
      http.get("­t", function(res) {
        now = res.headers.Date;
        epoch = Date.parse(now);
        console.log("Now: ", date.toString());
        setTimeout(startLogging, 3000);
        setTimeout(startServer, 5000);
    function startServer() {
      http.createServer(function (req, res) {
        res.writeHead(200, {'Content-Type': 'text/html'});
        page = "<h3>Logging</h3><br>";
        for (var i in sample_array) {
            page += sample_array[i].ts;
            page += "\t";
            page += sample_array[i].degF;
    function startLogging() {
      var sensor = require("DS18B20").connect(ow);
      setInterval(function() {
        sensor.getTemp(function (temp) {
          now = / 1000;
          floor = parseInt(now);
          mod = floor % sampleSec;
          if (!mod) {
            tempF = ((temp * 9) / 5) + 32;
            sample_array[sampleCnt] = { "ts" : floor, "degF" : tempF };
            if (++sampleCnt == maxSamples) {
              sampleCnt = 0;
      }, 1000);    

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