• Cool... tried it out - on Espruino-Wifi... tried to try it out... :(

    Screenshots attached...

    What I did:

    1. pulled your project from git
    2. added ide as chrome extension in developer mode to chrome
    3. opened ide - see the new puzzle icon
    4. clicked on puzzle - get obviously the "no folder defined" option
    5. created folder ~/_/esp/flashViewTest, placed SWBtn.min.js module in there (in os)
    6. opened Settings, selected ~/_/esp/flashViewTest folder --- a sandbox dir structure is created
    7. copied FlashString.js from https://github.com/popok75/Espruinuity/b­lob/master/EspCode/project/modules/Flash­String.js to modules folder of sandbox (in os)
    8. clicked on puzzle icon - get Flash atring module not loaded
    9. clicked Projects folder - see - as expctect - all my projects ....js files
    10. clicked Projects folder and Modules tab: see empty list (should see at least FlashString.js
    11. clicked Projects folder and Flash tab: see empty list...

    Looks like I'm missing something...

    And there are some unexpected things happening:

    • sandbox structure is created in flashView folder
    • cannot see modules anymore

    2 Attachments

    • shots1.png
    • shots2.png

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