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  • @billsalt thanks! Actually I think if you use one of the 'cutting edge' builds from­master/ you'll find there'll be a servicedata field that you can check with device.servicedata["feaa"]. Sorry, I'd assumed it was in 1v94 but it seems it wasn't.

    However even as-is, something like this should work to check the device's UID:

    NRF.findDevices(function(devices) {
      devices.forEach(function(device) {
        var uid = (new Uint8Array(device.buffer)).slice(23,30).­map(x=>
        if (uid=="123456123456") ...

    @Frida thanks! As above, I think with new builds you might find the data is exposed a little more cleanly (so you don't have to go diving as deep into the data field). When you say 'Manufacturer Specific Data' do you mean the 0xFF AD type from­/assigned-numbers/generic-access-profile­ ?

    If so, I should ensure Espruino parses that out (and can easily specify it) as well. Any thoughts as to how to specify it? Maybe just:

      "" : [12,34,56]


      "manufacturer" : [12,34,56]

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