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  • Hi Gordon,

    follow your suggestion, I have changed the csv file from 'stm32f411.csv'(which created by me following the data sheet)to 'stm32f401.csv'(original) in pinutils.scan_pin_file().

    the same applied to pinutils.scan_pin_af_file() - from 'stm32f411_af.csv' to 'stm32f401_af.csv'.

    and changed the startup file from 'startup_stm32f411xe.o' to 'startup_stm32f40_41xxx.o'

    then the build work successfully.

    but I'm more confused as I do not understand the root cause.

    why the standard startup file(startup_stm32f411xe.o)is not working ?

    the pin definitions is slightly different between stm32f401 and stm32f411, why follow strictly with data sheet, without format error, the parser is not working ?

    sorry for the curious as I'm keen on understanding the principals & processes how you do it(how to build or port to new device).

    thanks for your kindness.


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