• Hmm,

    this is how far I get with your code and without a key

    Got response: 200
    Invalid api_key: apikey
    Uncaught SyntaxError: Expecting a valid value, got ID
     at line 1 col 24
    Invalid api_key: apikey
    in function called from system
  • Have you checked via desktop node.js or your microcontroller?

    Oh, finally I've found my mistake, current result:

    Got response: 200
    Uncaught SyntaxError: Got EOF expected '}'
     at line 1 col 78
    in function called from system

    Now I can receive what I want. Just don't know why it always shows such messages:

    Uncaught SyntaxError: Got EOF expected '}'
     at line 1 col 78
    in function called from system

    In node.js is just:

    Got response: 200

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