• @Wilberforce Maybe we're getting warmer. So to summarize:

    1/ If I do not use "Save On Send" -- IE: disable the feature in question, all is normal. There are absolutely no problems.

    2/ If I DO enable "Save On Send", then AFTER all the code has been uploaded (looking at the green bar in the lower right in the Web IDE), and AFTER the message (suggesting the code has been saved to flash successfully):

    >Erasing Flash..................
    Compressed 25600 bytes to 31
    Loading 31 bytes from flash...
    Uncaught InternalError: Not connected to the internet

    the ESP8266 gives us an endless stream of "Not connected to the internet".

    3/ If I unplug the ESP module and plug it back in, none of my code executes, however I have the normal Espruino prompt. At this point if I do "dump()" I get the message:

    // Code saved with E.setBootCode

    so then if I type "load()". I get the following:

    // Code saved with E.setBootCode
    Loading 31 bytes from flash...
    Uncaught InternalError: Not connected to the internet
    Uncaught InternalError: Not connected to the internet
    Uncaught InternalError: Not connected to the internet

    So it definitely seems to be something about the initialization and loading of the code.

    4/ If I save the code normally (IE: without the feature in question enabled), I can easily always reset() and load() code without any problems (and do so frequently for debugging purposes etc).

    So this suggests to me there is something about either Save on Send, or something about E.setBootCode() which is implicated in this. Again, not sure.
