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  • Yes, there's a serial connection available that might help? info here:Ā­onsole

    There shouldn't really be a buffer overflow - because data is stored in Espruino's static jsvars, it's pretty difficult to get it to properly overflow. I also have quite a few BLE devices here and have never encountered problems - but roughly how many devices do you think you see in range?

    And are you using just the code you posted, or is there more? I guess if you're using up most of the RAM there is a small chance that the code doesn't handle running out of memory while searching for devices properly?

    If programming/debugging by serial you should at least see any error messages if they appear though.

    Having said that, having lots of BLE devices within range could probably make your connection more unstable. It's basically just luck whether their transmissions overlap or not, so once you get to a certain amount of devices all together it can make communications very unreliable.


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