• Thanks! I'll have a go at setting that up - I'd had a quick go, but it seemed a bit heavyweight with the MQTT transformation in there too.

    So far I'd just implemented the packet forwarder protocol in node.js, so I can receive fine - and I can even transmit as of yesterday (but just not it a way that can be received yet - I think I need to get the correct transmission format).

    For what I'm doing the LoRa nodes are well powered, so I can increase the receive window if needed. I guess the best thing is to make sure I can get something working with lora-server before I go off trying to do my own thing :)

  • before I go off trying to do my own thing

    yep, I'd advice against building it yourself unless you have a lot of extra time in your hands. Not sure what's your project exactly, but unless your goal is really to build a packet forwarder in node.js, then go with lora-server (or TTN, or a loriot.io community account) as your backend.

    Unless -of course- you're trying to build an espruino-powered lorawan gateway :)


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