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  • lI wonder whether you're connecting to an MQTT-SN server rather than normal MQTT, or something like that?

    I'm not sure that understand you right way, do you ask which broker I use? If so, I try and - same result.
    And today I have a new problem with my yesterday-somehow-worked code. Espruino can't publish messages now.

    Uncaught Error: Field or method "length" does not already exist, and can't create it on Number
     at line 1 col 88
    ...lish",c),b.emit("message",c.topic,c.m­essage);else if(d!==f.P...
    in function called from system
     at line 1 col 24
    a=g(a);var c=b.length+e.length,d="";do{var f=c&127,c=c>>7;0<...
    in function "m" called from line 1 col 95
    ...?l(a):l(a)+d;return m(c,a,b)
    in function "q" called from line 1 col 42
    in function "publish" called from line 45 col 36
        mqtt.publish('/iskra', humidity);

    Could it be relevant to last updates? didn't look to changes so far.


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