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  • Can you please give me a solution, how can I control the LED in this example (see the attached picture)? PICO can now see the MCP23S17 (see console.log() on the IDE picture), but I cannot control the LED (on/off) with port.A0.* or other commands - what I'm doing wrong?
    The cabel numbers on the picture:
    1-white) to PICO B15 (MCP->14)
    2-green) to PICO B14 (MCP->13)
    3-yellow) to PICO B13 (MCP->12)
    4-red) to PICO A8 (MCP->18)
    5-black) direct to USB-
    6-red) direct to USB+
    Many thanks in advance!

    2 Attachments

    • zz170116_012.JPG
    • zz170116_020.JPG

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