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  • @Gordon yeah, I've been reading through the specs (and parsing existing data).

    I know (hmm "know", not sure that's accurate!) that sending a value of 0x06, 0x2c should send the right flags to say the heart_rate monitor is connected and the heart rate is 44bpm.

    I was thinking something like this:

      0x180D: { // heart_rate
        0x2A37: { // heart_rate_measurement
          broadcast: true,
          readable: true,
          notify: true,
          indicate: true,
          value : 0x2C06,

    Which does kinda work, but I also believe the device needs to advertise it has heart_rate services - which this doesn't seem to be doing, otherwise filtering for the service doesn't seem to work (or certainly the demo page I'm working from doesn't see it)


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