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  • This link on the Espruino site talks about a StartAP function for ESP8266­e
    1-alt. Create an access point

    Using the ESP8266 is not recommended in general because its functionality is very limited and you'll have to reconnect to the AP whenever something bad happens, but it's a handy mode if you're out on the road and don't have an AP you can use to get internet access. To get that going use:

    var wifi = require("Wifi");
    wifi.startAP("my-ssid", {password:"my-password"});

    Searching the ESP8266WiFi_0v25.js module there is no current startAP function implemented.

    One other issue is the Firmware and SDK version of the ESP8266 you are using. Older versions may not support some of the newest AT commands. This would involve flashing the chip to the newer version.
