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  • I'm still stumped. What I'm trying to do is call Telnet.setConsole(true) in order to prevent the console from jumping back to Serial1 as soon as I disconnect. I have a Nextion display on Serial1 so I have to prevent anything from being output there that is console-related.

    I'm actually not sure that setting the console to Telnet works. I think it'll block once the buffer is full. If I do Serial2.setConsole(true) it's OK in that characters just go out that device and there's nothing listening, but the problem is that then it's unrecoverable via telnet. Maybe something I could do is when disconnecting telnet to only reset the console to the "old_console" if console==EV_TELNET. This way I can do Serial2.setConsole(false), have stuff go out there (which is the debug TTY anyway) but not prevent reconnecting via Telnet.


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