// yMNdHhmsSxXDZ are date and time pattern chars, escape-able with^ (default).
| y: year... "y" as defined in prototype defaults year (= "yy" or "yyyy"), "yy" or "yyyy" for short and full year format.
| M: Month... "M" single or two digits, "MM" two digits with leading 0 for months 1..9. "MMM".."MMM..M" is the same as "NNN" and "NNN..N". See N.
| N: Name of month... "N" as defined in prototype defaults mons string ("JanFebMar..." or "January__February_March____...") with fix length of monLen (3 or 9, respectively), the length of longest month name. String is extracted with mons.substr(month * monLen, monLen). "N..N" will take a substring of length equal to the number of "N"s. (Note that the underscores stand for blanks.)
d: day... "d" single or two digits, "dd" two digits with leading 0 for days 1..9.
H: Hours in 24H format... "H" single or two digits, "HH" two digits with leading 0 for hours 0..9.
h: hours in 12h format... "h" single or two digits, "hh" two digits with leading 0 for hours 0..9. To display related am or pm and AM or PM see x and X.
- ```s```: **seconds**... "s" single or two digits, "ss" two digits with leading 0 for secconds 0..9.
- ```S```: **milliSeconds**... "S" single, two, or three digits, "SSS" three digits with two and one leading **0**(s) for seconds **1..9** and **10..99**, respectively.
- ```x```: **am** and **pm** (lowercase)... "x" always puts **am** or **pm** in the output. See also ```X``` (uppercase) and ```h``` (lowercase).
- ```X```: **AM** and **PM** (uppercase)... "X" always puts **AM** or **PM** in the output. See also ```x``` (lowercase) and ```h``` (lowercase).
- ```D```: **Day name**... "D" as defined in prototype defaults ```days``` string (```"MonTueWed..."``` or ```"Monday___Tuesday__Wednesday..."``` with fix length of ```dayLen``` (```3``` or ```9```, respectively), the length of longest week day name. String is extracted with ***days.substr(day * dayLen, dayLen)***. "D..D" will take a substring of the length equal to the number of "D"s. (Note that the underscores stand for blanks.)
- ```Z```: **Time zone**... "Z" as defined in prototype defaults ```zone``` string. "Z..Z" will take a substring of the length equal to the number of "Z"s.
- ```any other character```... **as is**, for example: ```"in yyyy"``` for "in 1999"
- ```^```: **escape character**... "^" as defined in prototype defaults ```esc``` string (```"^"```). The escape character enables the use of date and time pattern characters **as is**; for example: ```"T^he ti^me i^s now: h:mm X"``` for "The time is now: 3:45 PM".
Formatting pattern examples:
1. ```M/d/y``` ---> **2/29/1956 or 2/29/56**, depending on prototype defaults ```year: "yyyyy"``` or ```"yy"```
2. ```yyyy/MM/dd``` ---> **1956/02/29**, date as sortable string
3. ```D, N d, y``` ---> **Wednesday, February 29, 1956** (with prototype defaults ```days: "Sunday___Monday___Tuesday__Wednesday...", dayLen: 9``` and equally for ```mons: "January__Feburary_...", monLen: 9```).
4. ```DDD, NNN d, y``` ---> **Wed, Feb 29, 1956** (with prototype defaults ```days: "Sunday___Monday___Tuesday__Wednesday...", dayLen: 9```; or ```"SunMonTueWed..."``` and ```3```; and analog for ```mons``` and ```monLen```).
5. ```DDD, NNN d, y``` ---> **Wed, Feb 29, 1956** (with prototype defaults ```days: "SunMonTueWed...", dayLen: 3``` and ```mons: "JanFebMar...", monLen: 3```).
6. ```D, N d, y``` ---> **Wed, Feb 29, 1956** (with prototype defaults ```days: "SunMonTueWed...", dayLen: 3``` and ```mons: "JanFebMar...", monLen: 3```).
7. ```DD, NNNNNN d, yy``` ---> **We, Feb 29, 56** (with prototype defaults ```days: "SunMonTueWed...", dayLen: 3``` and ```mons: "JanFebMar...", monLen: 3```).
8. ```Begin: yyyy-mm-dd_HH:mm:ss.SSS``` ---> **Begin: 1956-02-29_00:00:00.000**
9. ```En^d: yyyy-mm-dd_HH:mm:ss.SSS``` ---> **End: 1956-02-29_23:59:59.999**
***Usage Notes:***
1. Consecutive same date and time pattern characters define the length (as reasonable)
2. Characters in the template other than date and time pattern characters are just pushed to the output
3. To use pattern characters as plain template characters, they have to be ***escaped*** with **"^**" as defined in prototype defaults ```esc```.
4. Prototype defaults can be updated with a defaults object that includes the property names and values to update. A mixin / merge into the existing properties allows the selective / partial update.
5. Prototype defaults are shared and a change affects all formatters... with one exception see next item).
6. Common to all usages is pulling the module or placing the code in-line and assigning result to a variable, for example ```var DF = ....;"``` (DateFormatter class, hence uppercase). ```var DF = require("DateFormatter");```` when code placed as module in local sandbox modules folder.
7. The usual or regular form of usage is creating a formatter with optionally passing the template / pattern: ```var df = new DF();```. If no template or pattern is passed, the prototype default is taken and stored in the formatter instance. Therefore, a once created formatter holds the template / pattern that was actual at the time of formatter creation. To use the formatter, its methods ```df.format()```, ```df.getDefaults()``` and ```df.updateDefaults()``` are invoked. ```.format()``` accepts ***none***, ***one*** and ***two parameter*** parameters: *first is date*, and *second is pattern*. For *missing* or falsy (**undefined*, *null*, *0*, "", false) parameters the respective default is taken: *now* for *date*, and *prototpe.defaults.pattern* for *pattern*. To show, for example, now in ***non-default*** pattern, invocation is with ***null and non-default pattern***: ```.format(null,"yyyy-MM-dd")``` shows something like 2016-05-07.
8. A shorter form of usage is invocation of formatter class (function name) methods ```DF.format()```, ```DF.getDefaults()``` and ```DF.updateDefaults()```. Parameter handling is the same as for regular usage.
9. The shortest - bit messy - version is the use of the constructor function (class definition function) ```DF(...)```. This version requires always two parameters - both ***date*** and ***pattern*** - to be supplied, of which one or both can be specified as "**false**" (undefined, null, 0, "", false) to force use of respective default. For example - shortest form: ```DF(0,0)``` - returns now in the format as defined in the prototype defaults property "**pattern**".
Common to below usage examples is this snippet:
// assuming now/today is: Wed, May 17, 2016, 1:45:59 PM, 704 milliseconds
// assuming module's defaults = {pattern:"M/d/y",year:"yyyy",zone:"ESP"}
function log(v) { console.log(v); }
var myDate = new Date(1955,1,29,13,45,59,123); // 1955-02-29_13:45:59.123
var DF = require("DateFormatter"); // hold on to module as class and function
***Examples related to Usage Note 7. (with snippet a runnable sequence):***
var DF = require("DateFormatter"); // hold on to module as class (and function)
var df = new DF(); // create instance using class' default formatting pattern
log(df.pattern); // M/d/y - logs instance's default formatting pattern
log(df.format()); // 5/17/2016 - logs now in instance's default pattern
log(df.format(myDate)); // 2/29/1955 - logs myDate in instance's default pattern
log(df.format(null,"d.M.y")); // 17.5.2016 - logs now in specified format
log(df.format(myDate,"d.M.y")); // 29.2.1955 - logs myDate in specified pattern
df.pattern = "d.M.y"; // change instance's formatting pattern
log(df.pattern); // d.M.y - logs instance's default formatting pattern
df.updateDefaults({pattern:"yyyy-MM-dd", year:"yy", Z:"PSD"}); // update shared defaults, but not the default formatting pattern of existing instances.
var df2 = new DF(); // create 2nd df picks up new default formatting pattern
log(df.pattern); // d.M.y - instance's default pattern - still the 'old' one
log(df.format()); // 17.5.16 - now in instance's still 'old' default, but...
log(df.format(myDate)); // 29.2.55 - ...in inst.'s default but y from new defaults
log(df.format(null,"d.M.yyyy")); // 17.5.2016 - logs now in specified format
log(df.format(myDate,"d.M.y")); // 29.2.55 - myDate as spec'd, y as new defaults
log(df.format(null,"d.M.yyyy")); // 17.5.2016 - logs now in specified format
log(df.format(myDate,"dd.MM.yyyy")); // 29.02.1955 - myDate in spec'd pattern
log(df2.format()); // 2016-05-17 - logs now in instance's default pattern
log(df2.format(y-m-d)); // 16-5-17 - now in inst.'s default but y from defaults
log(df2.format(null,"M/d/yyyy")); // 5/17/2016 - logs now in specified format
***Examples related to Usage Note 8. (with snippet a runnable sequence):***
var DF = require("DateFormatter"); // hold on to module as class (and function)
log(DF.getDefaults().pattern); // M/d/y - logs default formatting pattern
log(DF.format()); // 5/17/2016 - logs now in shared default pattern
log(DF.format(myDate)); // 2/29/1955 - logs myDate in shared default pattern
log(DF.format(null,"d.M.y")); // 17.5.2016 - logs now in specified format
log(DF.format(myDate,"d.M.y")); // 29.2.1955 - logs myDate in specified pattern
DF.getDefaults().pattern = "d.M.y"; // change shared default pattern, BUT IT IS NOT the recommended way
log(DF.getDefaults().pattern); // d.M.y - logs shared default formatting pattern
DF.updateDefaults({pattern:"yyyy-MM-dd", year:"yy", Z:"PSD"}); // update shared defaults the RECOMMENDED way
log(DF.getDefaults().pattern); // yyyy-MM-dd - shared default pattern
log(DF.format()); // 2016-05-17 - logs now in shared default pattern
log(DF.format(myDate)); // 1955-02-29 - myDate in shared default pattern
log(DF.format(null,"d.M.yyyy")); // 17.5.2016 - logs now in specified pattern
log(DF.format(myDate,"d.M.y")); // 29.2.55 - myDate in spec'd, y from new defaults
log(DF.format(null,"d.M.yyyy")); // 17.5.2016 - logs now in specified pattern
log(DF.format(myDate,"dd.MM.yyyy")); // 29.02.1955 - logs myDate in spec'd pattern
***Examples related to Usage Note 9. (with snippet a runnable sequence):***
var fD = require("DateFormatter"); // hold on to module as formatDate() function
log(fD.getDefaults().pattern); // M/d/y - logs default formatting pattern
log(fD(0,0)); // 5/17/2016 - logs now in default pattern
log(fD(myDate,null)); // 2/29/1955 - logs myDate in shared default pattern
log(fD(null,"d.M.y")); // 17.5.2016 - logs now in specified format
log(fD(myDate,"d.M.y")); // 29.2.1955 - logs myDate in specified pattern
fD.getDefaults().pattern = "d.M.y"; // change shared default pattern, BUT IT IS NOT the recommended way
log(fD.getDefaults().pattern); // d.M.y - logs shared default formatting pattern
fD.updateDefaults({pattern:"yyyy-MM-dd", year:"yy", Z:"PSD"}); // update shared defaults the RECOMMENDED way
log(fD.getDefaults().pattern); // yyyy-MM-dd - shared default pattern
log(fD(false,undefined)); // 2016-05-17 - logs now in shared default pattern
log(fD(myDate,0)); // 1955-02-29 - myDate in shared default pattern
log(fD(null,"d.M.yyyy")); // 17.5.2016 - logs now in specified pattern
log(fD(myDate,"d.M.y")); // 29.2.55 - myDate in spec'd, y from new defaults
log(fD(null,"d.M.yyyy")); // 17.5.2016 - logs now in specified pattern
log(fD(myDate,"dd.MM.yyyy")); // 29.02.1955 - logs myDate in spec'd pattern
At a later time, I may put this up as a module. Until then, it still needs some hardening.
Espruino is a JavaScript interpreter for low-power Microcontrollers. This site is both a support community for Espruino and a place to share what you are working on.
Formatting pattern characters:
// yMNdHhmsSxXDZ are date and time pattern chars, escape-able with ^ (default).
: year... "y" as defined in prototype defaultsyear
(= "yy" or "yyyy"), "yy" or "yyyy" for short and full year format.M
: Month... "M" single or two digits, "MM" two digits with leading 0 for months 1..9. "MMM".."MMM..M" is the same as "NNN" and "NNN..N". SeeN
: Name of month... "N" as defined in prototype defaultsmons
string ("JanFebMar..."
) with fix length ofmonLen
, respectively), the length of longest month name. String is extracted with mons.substr(month * monLen, monLen). "N..N" will take a substring of length equal to the number of "N"s. (Note that the underscores stand for blanks.)d
: day... "d" single or two digits, "dd" two digits with leading 0 for days 1..9.H
: Hours in 24H format... "H" single or two digits, "HH" two digits with leading 0 for hours 0..9.h
: hours in 12h format... "h" single or two digits, "hh" two digits with leading 0 for hours 0..9. To display related am or pm and AM or PM seex
.// assuming now/today is: Wed, May 17, 2016, 1:45:59 PM, 704 milliseconds
// assuming module's defaults = {pattern:"M/d/y",year:"yyyy",zone:"ESP"}
function log(v) { console.log(v); }
var myDate = new Date(1955,1,29,13,45,59,123); // 1955-02-29_13:45:59.123
var DF = require("DateFormatter"); // hold on to module as class and function
var DF = require("DateFormatter"); // hold on to module as class (and function)
var df = new DF(); // create instance using class' default formatting pattern
log(df.pattern); // M/d/y - logs instance's default formatting pattern
log(df.format()); // 5/17/2016 - logs now in instance's default pattern
log(df.format(myDate)); // 2/29/1955 - logs myDate in instance's default pattern
log(df.format(null,"d.M.y")); // 17.5.2016 - logs now in specified format
log(df.format(myDate,"d.M.y")); // 29.2.1955 - logs myDate in specified pattern
df.pattern = "d.M.y"; // change instance's formatting pattern
log(df.pattern); // d.M.y - logs instance's default formatting pattern
df.updateDefaults({pattern:"yyyy-MM-dd", year:"yy", Z:"PSD"}); // update shared defaults, but not the default formatting pattern of existing instances.
var df2 = new DF(); // create 2nd df picks up new default formatting pattern
log(df.pattern); // d.M.y - instance's default pattern - still the 'old' one
log(df.format()); // 17.5.16 - now in instance's still 'old' default, but...
log(df.format(myDate)); // 29.2.55 - ...in inst.'s default but y from new defaults
log(df.format(null,"d.M.yyyy")); // 17.5.2016 - logs now in specified format
log(df.format(myDate,"d.M.y")); // 29.2.55 - myDate as spec'd, y as new defaults
log(df.format(null,"d.M.yyyy")); // 17.5.2016 - logs now in specified format
log(df.format(myDate,"dd.MM.yyyy")); // 29.02.1955 - myDate in spec'd pattern
log(df2.format()); // 2016-05-17 - logs now in instance's default pattern
log(df2.format(y-m-d)); // 16-5-17 - now in inst.'s default but y from defaults
log(df2.format(null,"M/d/yyyy")); // 5/17/2016 - logs now in specified format
var DF = require("DateFormatter"); // hold on to module as class (and function)
log(DF.getDefaults().pattern); // M/d/y - logs default formatting pattern
log(DF.format()); // 5/17/2016 - logs now in shared default pattern
log(DF.format(myDate)); // 2/29/1955 - logs myDate in shared default pattern
log(DF.format(null,"d.M.y")); // 17.5.2016 - logs now in specified format
log(DF.format(myDate,"d.M.y")); // 29.2.1955 - logs myDate in specified pattern
DF.getDefaults().pattern = "d.M.y"; // change shared default pattern, BUT IT IS NOT the recommended way
log(DF.getDefaults().pattern); // d.M.y - logs shared default formatting pattern
DF.updateDefaults({pattern:"yyyy-MM-dd", year:"yy", Z:"PSD"}); // update shared defaults the RECOMMENDED way
log(DF.getDefaults().pattern); // yyyy-MM-dd - shared default pattern
log(DF.format()); // 2016-05-17 - logs now in shared default pattern
log(DF.format(myDate)); // 1955-02-29 - myDate in shared default pattern
log(DF.format(null,"d.M.yyyy")); // 17.5.2016 - logs now in specified pattern
log(DF.format(myDate,"d.M.y")); // 29.2.55 - myDate in spec'd, y from new defaults
log(DF.format(null,"d.M.yyyy")); // 17.5.2016 - logs now in specified pattern
log(DF.format(myDate,"dd.MM.yyyy")); // 29.02.1955 - logs myDate in spec'd pattern
var fD = require("DateFormatter"); // hold on to module as formatDate() function
log(fD.getDefaults().pattern); // M/d/y - logs default formatting pattern
log(fD(0,0)); // 5/17/2016 - logs now in default pattern
log(fD(myDate,null)); // 2/29/1955 - logs myDate in shared default pattern
log(fD(null,"d.M.y")); // 17.5.2016 - logs now in specified format
log(fD(myDate,"d.M.y")); // 29.2.1955 - logs myDate in specified pattern
fD.getDefaults().pattern = "d.M.y"; // change shared default pattern, BUT IT IS NOT the recommended way
log(fD.getDefaults().pattern); // d.M.y - logs shared default formatting pattern
fD.updateDefaults({pattern:"yyyy-MM-dd", year:"yy", Z:"PSD"}); // update shared defaults the RECOMMENDED way
log(fD.getDefaults().pattern); // yyyy-MM-dd - shared default pattern
log(fD(false,undefined)); // 2016-05-17 - logs now in shared default pattern
log(fD(myDate,0)); // 1955-02-29 - myDate in shared default pattern
log(fD(null,"d.M.yyyy")); // 17.5.2016 - logs now in specified pattern
log(fD(myDate,"d.M.y")); // 29.2.55 - myDate in spec'd, y from new defaults
log(fD(null,"d.M.yyyy")); // 17.5.2016 - logs now in specified pattern
log(fD(myDate,"dd.MM.yyyy")); // 29.02.1955 - logs myDate in spec'd pattern
At a later time, I may put this up as a module. Until then, it still needs some hardening.
Closing comments in next post...