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  • @MaBe it would seem I included the access point creation after all, I think it must have just about fitted after the increase from 1200 to 1400 jsvars on the ESP8266. The code runs from line 7 in ub.wifi.js and is called if the device fails to connect to the hard coded access point 5 times in a row. It'll create an AP which has a name the same as the ID of the device.

    Currently you have to connect to the AP it creates, go to the IP for the device, and enter (in plain text (unfortunately) the new AP and password. It should save the new AP and password once you've submitted them on the page, but it won't survive a reboot.

    However, in my tests I can't seem to connect to the AP of the ESP8266 once it's created. I don't know if it's a bug in the code or the hardware misbehaving, or (less likely) a bug in Espruino.


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