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  • Thanks, the code suggested at:

    As you've got the EspruinoTools source handy, you could try this:­s/6#issuecomment-101716152

    solved the problem of sending code to the espruino. Is there a permanent fix in the issues queue? Or is this seen as a problem with node-serialport ?

    I tracked down the 'dropped characters' problem when the espruino is sending to the terminal a little further and it looks like nothing is dropped in the transmission but different terminals produce different results. The issue occurs only with very long lines, typical when you dump(); and it is sending the content of a large, multi-line function as a single line of text:

    • iTerm (OSX) shows only as many characters as it can to fill one line and then ignores the remainder of the line, and doesn't wrap
    • the WebIDE wraps at the righthand end of the terminal and keeps showing everything, over multiple lines (best solution in my opinion)
    • the terminal in WebStorm does - I don't know? - but you don't see the start of the line; the end of the line; consecutive characters from somewhere in the middle of the line; and sometimes you don't see anything at all for a long line. This is why I thought characters were being dropped.

    So I'll try filing a bug with WebStorm but meanwhile I can't find a simple solution to make terminals wrap at the width of the terminal window.


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