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  • One issue I'm encountering is the notion of a board. Looking at pinouts for the esp8266 I see:

    • esp-01 has 512KB flash, which makes a number of features unattainable (such as OTA update, or filesystem in flash), and it has 2 gpio pins
    • esp-12 has 4MB flash and all 17 gpio pins + adc
    • adafruit huzzah is perhaps the best low cost breadboard ready board, it has an esp-12, but of course a different pinout

    Looking at the emw3165:

    • the emw3165 has a specific pinout with 41 pins, of which a bunch are NC
    • the WifiMCU is a very nice breadboard-ready board, which I assume many people will be getting, and it has a different pinout than the module

    It seems that the way things currently are we should have one board definition file for each of the 5 options above. But of course a lot is redundant. Is that the way you'd like to go? Or, to take the emw3165 example, should we have a single board definition with a photo that has both the module and the WifiMCU and then place the pins on both? Or.... ?


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