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  • I've given my best mate a spare Espruino Pico to play with. He's a FreeBSD user.

    Anyway, apparently, in the Web IDE the popup to select serial port is just stuck there saying "Loading..." (or similar; not sure) and not displaying a list of choices. I tried doing the symlink trick of cd /dev; sudo ln -s ttyU0 ttyACM0 just in case it was a pattern recognition thing, but no luck.

    Connecting via screen /dev/ttyU0 9600 works to some extent, but the most recent character is not echoed; if you were to type hello, hell would appear. If you then typed !, the o would appear, but not the !.

    I expect this is more to do with issues with FreeBSD's serial driver, the version of screen installed, and Chrome's serial code, than it is to do with Espruino per se, but on the off-chance that someone's used FreeBSD with the standard Espruino setup, I thought I'd ask on his behalf before we investigate much further.


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