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  • Hello @Manxome,

    Well, the decision is 'officially' supporting a non Espruino board is quite clear: No!
    Only Espruino boards are officially supported.

    Now, I, definitely, can test and debug Espruino embedded in a Nucleo-F401RE board, since, I own one, and do intend to make a useful application out of it.

    Have a look at the joined file, 2 posts ahead of yours.
    There is a very alpha status for the Nucleo-F411RE 1.72 Espruino and @ac413 seems quite satisfied of it.

    The goal of ST was to produce pin/pin replaceable MCUs.
    However, there are still internal differences between each family, or even MCU's precise references. It does not simplify the changes to do as a few changes in the parametric figures in *.py board's definition file.
    So I think you should not expect every detailed functionality to work unless you actually helped to debug it.


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