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  • (I think we should create separate threads of discussion if these go any further)

    @Gordon I am aware of echo(0), but that does not help. I want to know when a command finishes, in a consistent manner. At the moment, I can only read the output, which is inconsistent when single commands return single or multiple lines, and inconsistent when a command spans over multiple lines. I saw that you got over this problem by waiting for 100ms in the Web IDE, but that's a slow hack, not a proper solution solution.

    You said you wanted something easy to get started with, but not getting in the way if you want something more advanced. At the moment, the protocol only allows simple things and is getting in the way of something more advanced. I wanted to implement a more advanced cli, that's why I asked if there is a protocol other than espruino's cli.

    My purpose was to have a cli which allowed command history, which sent minified commands, which only sent the commands once the code block was closed, and it should also implement internal commands such as .sendFile('path/to/file.js'). A GUI could be built on top of it, even integrated with chrome.

    If that is not possible, then I guess we'll have to deal with the current behavior, and simply forward everything to espruino and wait for 100-1000 miliseconds after every command.


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